If you are a member of Egyptian Electric Cooperative, unless you have opted out, you receive a monthly magazine, called the Illinois Country Living (ICL), that is edited and published by our statewide association, Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives. The magazine covers rural issues, provides commentaries from Illinois leaders, columns on safety, health, energy conservation, gardening, a calendar of events, and of course, ever-popular recipes from Illinois’ best country cooks. The magazine’s duty is to help the Illinois electric cooperatives communicate with their member-consumers. The statewide association has been doing designing and printing these magazines for more than 75 years. Egyptian Electric is one of 19 Illinois electric cooperatives that provide the Illinois Country Living magazine to their members monthly. To visit the online version, visit link below. The Illinois Country Living magazine is the largest circulation of any monthly publication in Illinois. In fact, more than 190,000 magazines are mailed statewide each month, with just over 12,000 of those go to Egyptian Electric consumer-members!
The center four (4) pages of the magazine are exclusively reserved for Egyptian Electric, and are published each month by our staff. We refer to it as our “center section” or “monthly newsletter,” and specific to our cooperative that include topics such as official member news releases, Annual Meeting notices, office closing dates, information on energy efficiency and storms, how to pay your bills, and such as employee milestones. Page 4 in the magazine is also given to Egyptian Electric and utilized most months for important cooperative information as well. As reader incentives we award three members monthly with $10 bill credits, if they locate their map number within the body of our center section. They can be claimed by calling our office. In case you missed it in the mail, below are our most recent issues. Please call our office in the event you are not receiving this monthly publishing and would like to.