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Apply for Operation Round Up Funds

Operation Round Up Grant Application
Has this organization made previous application to the Operation Round-Up fund to date?
Has the organization been awarded previous funds from the Operation Round-Up program?
Is this organization tax exempt under IRS section 501(c)(3)?
*A United States Treasury Department tax exemption letter stating the above-named organization is tax exempt under section 501 (c)(3) and 170 of the Internal Revenue Code must be attached to be eligible for a grant.
** A copy of the grantee organization’s 501(c)(3) IRS Determination Letter is required as an attachment to the grant application. Among the exceptions to the 501(c)(3) designation are public educational institutions which are defined by the IRS in Section 170 or municipalities.

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Does the applicant have authority to apply for grant funds on behalf of the organization?

Operation Round-Up Grant Funding Request


Please answer requested information below in a type-written request with any supporting documentation described:


I. Synopsis of Organization

  1. Detail and description of organization
  2. Objectives and goals of organization
  3. Past community-based projects and successes/outcomes

II. Nature of Request

  1. Describe the project in detail and explain exactly how the funds will be used.
  2. Explain the circumstances that have prompted this request.
  3. How does this project meet the Operation Round-Up program’s primary objective of community betterment?
  4. List any other funding sources for this request.
  5. Please describe how the project will move forward if only a portion of the requested funds are granted.

III. Contributions

  1. Is your organization, supporting organization or additional funder contributing to the project in terms of cash, in-kind, non-cash? Provide details of additional contributions.
  2. Attach any appropriate bids, estimates, and/or bills directly relating to the request.

The Operation Round-Up Committee may, from time to time, need to table an application until the next scheduled meeting due to unforeseen events or circumstances.

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Can your application be tabled?
Will you accept partial funding?

The information contained in this statement is for the purpose of obtaining funding from the Egyptian Electric Cooperative Operation Round-up Program on behalf of the undersigned. The undersigned agrees that the information provided herein is used to determine grant funding, and each undersigned represents and warrants that the information provided is true and complete and that the Operation Round-Up Committee may consider this statement as continuing to be true and correct until a written notice of a change is provided. The Operation Round-Up Committee or EECA staff is authorized to make all inquiries they deem necessary to verify the accuracy of the statements made herein.

Grant funds will typically be awarded in amounts up to $1,500. Number of winners and grant award amounts will be dependent on funds available each cycle.

Egyptian Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round-Up program’s four (4) grant cycles are as follows:

Cycle 1. 2nd Monday in March—Deadline for applications. Last Tuesday in March—Grant Decision/Notification.

Cycle 2. 2nd Monday in June—Deadline for applications. Last Tuesday in June— Grant Decision/Notification.

Cycle 3. 2nd Monday in September—Deadline for applications. Last Tuesday in September— Grant. Decision/Notification

Cycle 4. 2nd Monday in December—Deadline for applications. Last Tuesday in December—Grant Decision/Notification.