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Emma and Griffin EECA Delegates

Youth to Washington

Group on Capitol HillGriffin Bradley of Percy and Emma Kerkhover of Chester represented Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association in Washington, D.C. this year for the annual Youth to Washington Tour, June 9-16. This event, sponsored by the electric and telephone cooperatives of Illinois since the late 1950s, is an introduction to our democratic form of government and cooperatives for rural youth.  The students met with Congressman Mike Bost, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, and were among 69 rural Illinois youth leaders selected for the trip. The Illinois students joined more than 1,730 young leaders from across the country, a record high for the Youth to Washington Tour. In addition to the Capitol, they also visited Arlington National Cemetery, the Washington National Cathedral,  several Smithsonian Museums, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the World War II Memorial, memorials to Presidents Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington and Roosevelt, the National Archives, the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, the Newseum, and several other historical sites.  For more information on Youth Tour, visit our Youth to Washington page.