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Cost of Service Study

MetersEgyptian Electric Cooperative (EECA) has been conducting a current Cost of Service Study Analysis (COSA). This study is an important tool used in setting utility rates, as it fairly and equita-bly breaks down the costs of providing service to each rate class. Different kinds of users require different load characteristics and configurations of lines, transformers and substations. Each configuration bears very different costs, which are allocated appropriately to each rate class. The COSA findings offer useful guidelines to assist the board in reasonably and responsibly allocating costs to each class of mem¬bers in a way that avoids any class paying more, or less, than their fair share.

It has been 5 years since Egyptian Electric under took a rate change. From the rate change in 2012, EECA has made right of way clearing, pole changes and line upgrades, a major priority to make sure members are provided with more safe and reliable power. Updating trucks and equip¬ment has become a focus as well as keeping up-to-date with technology, as it plays a major role in the way EECA runs its business model to date. The EECA Board of Directors’ continued responsibility is to satisfy its mis¬sion statement of “improving the quality of life of our members at a reasonable cost,”and to do this it is necessary to revisit and revise EECA’s current rate structure.  To read more, visit the Rate Schedules page.