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Carruthers Classroom Grant Winners 2016

Classroom Empowerment Grants

It’s that time of the year again, and Egyptian Electric Cooperative is again offering our Touchstone Energy Classroom Empowerment Grants to our local schools within our territory! We are aware that adequate funding for many school systems has been a challenge. Commitment to Community is one of our Touchstone Energy core principles, and we are committed to the communities we serve and want to continue to provide assistance to them.  Eight $500 Classroom Empowerment Grants will be offered and awarded to public and private K-12 schools to help them with projects that will improve educational opportunities for students. Visit the Classroom Empowerment Grant webpage to learn more, and how easy it is to apply! Applications will be accepted until 4 p.m. November 3, 2017, and the grant awards will be announced by December 15, 2017. Download from our website, receive from one of our offices or the coming October Illinois Country Living magazine for the application and information. For questions regarding the Classroom Empowerment Grants, please contact Brooke Guthman at (800) 606-1505 or 

Carruthers Classroom Grant Winners 2016