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Tree Trimming FAQs

Will you contact me before trimming?

Notice will be posted on our web site as to where our ROW maintenance crews intend to work for the year. You will receive a post card via mail or automated phone call prior to work beginning in your area. For the majority this will be the only contact that the coop give prior to tree work being done.  When you receive the post card or phone call and have any questions please contact our office.

Why do you need so much clearance?

Your cooperative operates and maintains nearly 2,900 miles of line to serve over 17,000 meters. Without sufficient clearance, outages and blinks would increase, cost and time to repair the system after storms would dramatically increase, and therefore the number of unhappy members would increase.

Do you use chemical treatment as part of your right-of-way maintenance program?

Yes.  We will return to chemically treat the right-of-way 1-2 years after the initial clearing has been done. If vegetation is small, some areas can be controlled through use of chemicals without first clearing, reducing the overall cost of maintenance.  All products we use are approved for utility right-of-way use and are very safe, and our employees and contractors all have the appropriate Illinois licenses.

How close to the power lines can I plant trees?

That distance varies with variety.  At mature height there should still be 20′ clearance from power lines. Please plant as far away as possible and never plant under the line, and never over an underground line.

Can I plant shrubs next to pad-mount transformers, meter pedestals or junction boxes?

Keep in mind there are buried electric lines around these devices. First call JULIE (dial 811) to have all underground (public) lines marked. For your safety, please do not dig within 5′ of marked lines and plant no closer than 10′ from any device or underground power line.

If I have a yard tree under the line, what options do I have?

Other than trimming, we offer a tree replacement or stump removal program. If a qualifying tree is removed from your yard, we will issue a voucher to use toward the purchase of a replacement tree or stump grinding. Contact our office for details or via email at